Sunday, January 8, 2012

Courage Beyond Her Years!!!

COURAGE~~the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.

That is the dictionary definition of courage. I almost agree with it except for two words; 'without fear'. Anyone who has been in the military and has faced a combat situation, knows that courage, or the difference between a coward and a hero, is that few seconds a hero has the courage to hold on beyond the point where others break. Every soldier, whether courageous or not experiences 'fear' in those situations. I can tell you from first hand experience that fear is present and actively working on your mind.

When I read the story of Jesica Joy Rees 'courage' jumped to the front of my thoughts.

Jessica, 12 years old,  was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor in March of last year. Another was found this past September. She passed away on January 12, 2012.
Ten Months this child suffered at the hands of a relentless disease that I have seen break the spirit of adults with years of life behind them. Jessica did not hide her head in the sand; she found her ground to fight on and she fought with all she had until the very end.
Jessica recorded her fight in her Blog in the hopes that others could benefit from her experience. She was trying to get 50,000 Likes on her FaceBook page; one for every child that has been diagnosed with cancer. I was on her page at 11:30 am today and she had 96, 213 Likes. Almost double her goal.
During her fight, and along with her parents, she started The NEGU Foundation, a nonprofit organization to raise awareness of pediatric cancer, support sufferers and raise money for research.
She always signed her posts with the acronym "NEGU" (NEE'-goo), short for "never ever give up."
You can read more about Jessica on her FaceBook page;
Or on the Team NEGU - Never Ever Give Up,!/TeamNEGU.
The NEGU Foundation sells "JoyJars" stuffed with candy and toys to sick children. More than 3,000 were sold and distributed in 27 states last year, according to the NEGU website.
If you ever want to define 'courage' for someone; just tell them to read about Jessica and her family. They are the epitome of courage.
Love ya,
Randy the short time it took me to write this some 300 more people went to her FB page and clicked LIKE. Join them please!! This blog was gleamed from a story off The Huffington Post.

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