Monday, January 9, 2012

Our Teachers Are The Products of The American Education System!!

Reading, Writing and Arithmetic taught to then tune of possible racism or at the least gross stupidity and insensitivity.

Mathematics homework at Beaver Ridge Elementary School in Norcross, Georgia has shown light on the ugly head of 'lack of common sense'. The teachers are simply trying to combine the study of Social Studies with that of Mathematics. In itself not a bad idea. The problem arises in the subject matter not the attempted lesson.

Examples of mathematics homework given at this school:

"Each tree had 56 oranges. If 8 slaves pick them equally, then how much would each slave pick?"

"If Frederick got two beatings per day, how many beatings did he get in 1 week?"

Looking at these questions I have to ask; are the teachers racist, ignorant, insensitive or a combination of all of these?

Honestly I do not believe that the teachers are racist but they can and should be blamed for a lack of common sense that lead to the asking of such insensitive questions.

Lets look at these questions individually and see where the teachers went wrong.

Question #1, "Each tree had 56 oranges. If 8 slaves pick them equally, then how much would each slave pick?" The skill they are looking to be practiced here is 'division'. A simple problem and I am sure most children will get it correct.

So the child gets the answer correct and then has so many other questions that will be left to the parents to answer as this was a homework assignment. Questions like; 'What are slaves?', 'Why are 8 slaves picking oranges in the same tree? and 'They have to live in Florida so what are they bitching about?'

Question #2, "If Frederick got two beatings per day, how many beatings did he get in 1 week?" The skill they are looking to be practiced here is 'multiplication'. The children will be asking; "Why are the being beaten?', 'What are they being beat with?' and 'Are all beatings the same?'

Yes I am being ridiculous!! This is an idiotic exercise, by these teachers, that was doomed to failure and some of them had to realize it.

I want to propose a question. Just for the fun of it.

"A Southern California farm owner was tasked by the U.S. Department of Immigration to count all his workers and check their identification for legality. He found that he had 12 Caucasians, 8 Orientals, 8 Blacks, 87 Mexicans, 5 Woman and 1 Arab."

"Out of all these workers; 7 were gay, 4 were lesbians, 3 had 1 arm or less, 6 were cross dressers and 13 had a missing testicle."

Answer these questions using the information listed?

1. How many total workers are on the farm?
2. What are they growing in the farm?
3. How many Quonset huts are used to house the Mexicans?
4. How many U.S. Department of Immigration employees does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Extra Credit question; " Why was the Arab the only one arrested and water boarded?

Oh Yeah!! I can be insensitive, lol.

I think combining two disciplines of study is a very good idea. Next time use a bit more COMMON SENSE in making up your questions.

Love ya,

PS....Answers to the questions; 1. 121, 2. Food, 3. One plus a small utility shed, 4. One if he is left on his own to do the job or 3894 of he is being supervised under INS Regulations, Extra Credit~Racial Profiling and Quotas baby.

PSS..Please remember that I am a writer of fiction and parody. Sort through all the shit I write and look for the lesson. I promise that there is one.

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