Monday, October 31, 2011

"Dude You Won The Lottery!"~~~And Happy Halloween!!!

Today is Halloween, one of my Second Life wife's favorite holidays. We have been dressing in costumes throughout the weekend and attending parties. My favorite costume so far has been matching 'Shadows' that have some very cool effects. It has been a lot of fun and I am looking forward to doing it again. Tonight Friendly is going out as a 'Playboy Bunny' and I as a 'Celtic Warrior'. LOL,,I picked tonight's costume with Friendly in mind of course. It has her one steadfast rule for dressing me; NO SHIRT!! It also has sort of a dress, lol, but I am caring a sword so do not comment on my dress,, hhaha.

Today is more important than just being Halloween. It is the day before Friendly start our 'Honeymoon'. One week, just the two of us, a secluded island, water, hills, fall foliage, OH, and did I mention one week just the two of us. Yes kiddies we go on 'honeymoons' in Second Life.

While I was packing for our trip this morning; did not take long to pack, lol. Lets see; sun tan lotion(check), Little Blue Pills(168 hours/ week, divided by 4 hours per pill, a total of 42 pills, double the number because my wife is younger than me, so I put 84 pills in my little bottle,,,check), and finally my Jomo Shorts( that Friendly does not allow me to wear out of the house).

Here is a picture of me wearing my JOMO's out of the house, lol. Well I am technically along side the house and no one is around. I am sure you do not see the shorts so I am safe here.

I am now ready for my Honeymoon,,YEAH!!

The other night I was receiving congratulations from on of Friendly's old friends and he said to me "Dude you have won the lottery". At the time I thought it was a strange thing to say. I have since reconsidered that thought.

I have 'won the lottery!!! Other than the births of my four children; no event in my life has made me happier. I am sure I will catch some grief for that statement but it is true. It is true because I have the most amazing wife, I am loved beyond anything I could ever imagine, I am extremely happy and this was all accomplished by be 'ME'.

That's right kiddies 'ME'!!

I met Friendly at maybe the lowest point of my life. I was drinking to much, not taking care of myself, buried in self pity and practically friendless.

She raised me up and returned me to the person that I should have always been. I no longer drink, I exercise regularly, I am writing more and better than I have ever done before and I am surrounded by love, respect and protection.


Every day I try and give back all I can to her. That is what love is all about. Giving all you have to your mate and being honest, caring and loving as much as humanly possible.

I have been married to Mrs Friendly Story-Brando for 10 days and I am floating on air. It is just the beginning of a very long relationship. We took our time and nourished a 'real relationship' built on love, honesty and respect. That is a combination we can bank.

My favorite 'Friendly Statement' made to me when we were discussing our age difference;

"You are my man, I love you and that's that!!"

I smile whenever I think about the night she said that to me.

Yes we have an age difference, not as large as we once thought, but as our 'Honeymoon' approaches I utter the words of one of my favorite songs;

'I am not as good as I once was, but I am good once as I ever was', lol!!

Love you Precious!!!

PS....There will be happy blogs all week but no Honeymoon reports 'you pervs'.

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