Friday, September 16, 2016

What Is That Noise?

What is that extremely loud sound echoing across the United States? It seems to get louder every day and at times the ground seems to shake. That sound is the Greatest Generation rolling over in their graves in response to the state of our beloved country.

I can imagine them asking themselves, "How could our efforts to save this country from enemies without end in losing it to enemies within?"

I have no simple answer to give them. There is no single person or group to lay the blame on for our condition.

This country has a cancer, Political Cancer', that has invaded every facet of our lives. There are no new drugs or advanced cancer centers that can combat this disease because we seem no longer to have the will to fight it.

Our government has given us warning labels for cigarettes, alcohol and drugs when what we really need is a warning label stuck to the ass' of those elected to serve in Washington, DC, "WARNING~POLITICS MAKES THIS PERSON SELF ABSORBED, SELF RIGHTEOUS AND SELF IMPORTANT".

We  have been witness to the death of common sense and personal responsibility. We have watched the bastardization of  'The Rule Of Law'. We live in country where those who illegally immigrate are pushed to the front of the line with amnesty over those who choose to immigrate within the law.

We raised a generation that  needs 'safe spaces' so they can avoid discourse with those who hold different views because they live in fear of  having their feelings hurt. By the way, there are no safe spaces in the real world.

We elected a black president and racism seems to be worse than before his election. Was racism bubbling under the surface and we just didn't notice? Are we talking about it more because the news media is reporting on it more?

We are on the verge of possibly electing our first female president. Does that mean that we will follow suit and have sexism increase as racism increased under a black president?

We have witnessed the self destruction and demise of the Republican Party over support or non support of their own candidate. A case of the political elite snubbing and not listening to its own party members.

We are losing 'the war on poverty', 'the war on drugs' and 'the war on runaway government spending'.

Bipartisanship is a concept bandied about in public and laughed at in the halls of congress.

All these things are results of the political cancer that is running rampant throughout the country. Those we have elected to deal with this cancer do not seem to have the will or skill to solve with the problems.

The Greatest Generation has to be so disappointed!!!

VOTE!! It is the only cure for this disease.


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