Monday, February 3, 2014

I Know The Voices Are Not Real~~But They Have Some Good Ideas

I have mentioned before that I talk to myself. And yes out loud. It's common for people that spend a lot of time alone to talk to themselves. Those who do are not insane unless they start getting answered by their pets or people that are not really in the room. I am happy to say that I only hear myself.

People talk to themselves for many reasons; self complimentation, self motivation, decision making and goal setting are just a few reasons. I fall more in the decision making area. Bouncing ideas off another person is a good exercise for decision making but if your alone bouncing ideas off yourself can work rather well.

The key to talking to oneself about any issue is that we allow the inner person you are talking with to freely take the opposite view of an issue. If you are talking to yourself you do not want that self to be a 'yes man'. If he is then the entire exercise is a waste of time.

It is my understanding that creative people talk to themselves as part of the creative process. I struggle with my creativity but never with my conversations with myself.

I have only two rules for inner conversations with myself; 1. never talk to myself in public as people will get nervous around you and 2. no subject is taboo. Following these rules allows me to hold my inner chats without fear of stigma, "Is that man crazy daddy?", or limitations as to subject.

In the end, no matter what your marital or social situation might be, the person you spend the most time with is 'yourself'. So treat yourself well and hold intelligent and purposeful conversations with yourself. It's a good exercise for making decisions.


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