Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Busting The Myth Of The Lazy Civil Servant

Hundreds of jokes have been made at the expense of civil servants over the years. We hear about everything from their laziness to how they are stealing out tax dollars while making believe that they are working. These are myths perpetuated by comedians and disgruntled citizens who have run afoul of the laws that civil servants are tasked to uphold.

Civil servants come in all forms; police, firemen, food inspectors and many other professions. They work in government from the local level on up through the federal level and compromise a workforce that keeps our country moving.

The world is full of strange people and strange things that can and will do harm to our population. Civil servants at places like the Food and Drug Administration, Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation endeavour to keep us safe. Others work tirelessly to administer the laws that our elected officials have enacted.

Yes even the Internal Revenue Service has dedicated employees that serve this country.

My friends will say "Randy you are prejudice because you are dating a civil servant". Yes it's true; I may well be prejudiced but I have seen the many hours of dedication to the job she exhibits. I see the 10 - 12 hour days she struggles through. I am proud of her effort.

Of course not all civil servants are like her; as not all workers in the private sector are dedicated to their jobs. I can tell you that I was not a dedicated McDonald's employee even though I did a good job.

I watched as many people celebrated the government shutdown but do you realize that all the worked missed over those 16 days had to be made up. These men and women are playing catch up every day and will do so for some time.

Kiddies hate the laws, whether it be the Affordable Care Act or Gun Control, but do not hate those tasked to administer them. Show some respect for the effort these dedicated people give in service to us.

Show them the respect we show our military; who by the way are also civil servants.


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