Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It's One Of Those Days

Did you ever have a day when you did not feel like doing anything except stare at the sky? That's the way I feel today. I am in a good mood, am happy and yet being productive is like a foreign concept.

I am content with looking out the window at the trees blowing in the wind in my backyard.

It's a cool crisp fall day. The kind of day that demands a hot chocolate while sitting in front of a warm fire. When I was a kid this would have been a day I would look forward to for a camping trip. Hikes in the woods, food cooked over open fires and falling asleep to the smell of a wood burning fire were comforting for me.

These days the hikes are tiring, the cool air works on my joints like a saw and the thought of crawling out of my warm house does not appeal to me at all, lol. Funny how age changes one's prospective on things, lol.

Age and in my case medications have changed the way I live my life. There was a time I could spend my day in just shorts and a tee shirt regardless of the time of year. I get to cold for that now. I use to sleep naked every night but now I search for pajamas. Warm drinks have replaced cold ones. Water has replaced beer and hard liquor is a thing of the past.

Before I got sick I was a meat eating, fast food restaurant going, vegetable avoiding man. My occasional bouts of gout, helped on by some of my medications, have me avoiding meat and fast food restaurants and eating vegetables like a grazing goat.

But here's the kicker kiddies; I am happier and healthier that I have been in years. I still have a ways to go, as proven by how tired I was after the long sightseeing walks I took last weekend. But improvement will continue. I'm not done yet, lol.

So today will be an unproductive day. The hero of my book, Nights Dance To Day, waits for me to find a way out of the situation I wrote him into and the people of Ferry Road sit quietly on their front porches waiting for me to chronicle their adventures. They can wait one day while I enjoy being alive.


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