Monday, September 9, 2013

Why Are Some Men Pigs?

Women will readily call men pigs and they are right in most cases. The male critter is genetically disposed to think that 'carrying the biggest club' or dominating your partner is desirable to all women. A lot of porkish men go home every night alone blaming women for their loneliness and believing that the key to their success should be more pig like behavior.

A stupid attitude that is doomed to failure.

So what makes men act this way? Part of it, I believe, is genetic and ingrained in all men. The key is to learn to control your 'inner pig'.

But I am fully vested in the theory that male piggishness is a taught behavior. The product of a over bearing piggish father who does not know any better and a weak mother who does not balance the fathers teachings.

I am the son of a strong father who could be as gentle as a lamb. A well educated man who showed as strong in business but inside the house he was fully dedicated to my mother. Open scenes of affection were common and we always knew that he loved and respected her. My mother was a strong woman who quit school after the 3rd grade and went to work in the garment industry. She was self educated, intelligent and totally dedicated to husband and family.

My mother was also a forceful believer in women's rights and instilled in me a respect for women that has served me well throughout my life.

She taught me that the 'strength of a man, in a women's eyes, is not the club but respect, understanding and love'. She taught me that gentleness and caring is perceived as strength to your partner.

I am not saying that I have not acted like a pig at times. After all I am a man. But there is a lot to be said for being a gentleman. Men need to learn to listen to what women are telling them. In their words, hidden many times, are their needs. If you want to be with someone then learn to fill those needs no matter what they may be. Once a relationship starts continue to be gentle, loving and caring. That is the key to maintaining a loving  lasting relationship.

In Second Life the computer acts as a shield and allows men to act out their piggish behavior. The existence of the 'Want To Fuck' guys is testament to that.

Here is a tip that may help; when you meet a women treat her with the respect and care that you would your own mother. Show her that you are interested in her and who she is; not just her sweet ass.

Women deserve better. Men need to understand that fact and learn to be lambs not pigs.


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