Thursday, August 1, 2013

My Morning

Walking in a park this morning, to the point of exhaustion, I laid down on the grass and stared up into the sky. Nature, in all it's forms, fascinates me.

Clouds drifting by
moist whiffs of white smoke forming familiar shapes
a dog there
a woman's head
a car with smoke pouring out of its tail pipe
a majestic mountain

A short distance from me baby squirrels play a game of tag. Jumping from tree to tree. One of my favorite things to watch.

A flock of geese landing in a field close by; happily walking as a group in search of water.

Children playing at the playground. I can hear one ask his mother, "Is that man sick mommy?" Referring to me laying on the grass. Her answer, "No dear he is just tired."

She is right. I am tired. Not physically but mentally tired.

Tired of life passing me by like a speeding train moving to fast for me to board.

Tired of missing my children spread around the country and my parents that have passed.

Tired of long lonely days spent in reflection and study. 

Tired of being self contained, standing on my own two feet, with no one to prop me up.

But in all this fatigue I have a lust for life. My mornings, spent enjoying nature, a highlight of my days.

Mornings like this give me great pleasure and set a very good tone for the rest of my day.

I am happy in my solitude and look forward to tomorrow.


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