Sometimes a porch, a rocking chair and a guitar is all you need to fix things.
There are times when a television show rolls out some good old home spun advice and it makes perfect sense. Keep life simple, enjoy your family and take everyday as it comes with a smiles and an outstanding attitude. That was Sheriff Andy Taylor's outlook on life in Mayberry. I believe that the character of Sheriff Taylor was very easy for Andy Griffith to play because they are one in the same. That laid back simple man was Andy Griffith. He was just rocking on that porch being himself.
With the passing of Andy Griffith a little bit of Americana has slipped away. That is sad but we should not dwell on his passing but rather on what he has left us. The attitude that no problem is so insurmountable that a simple conversation, a song and a rock on the front porch could not solve it. That is what we need to remember and that is how we should approach life.
The Huffington Post, in an article by Carol Hartsell, listed 10 things we learned from the Andy Griffith Show.
~~Sometimes a porch, a rocking chair and a guitar is all you need to fix things.(in my opinion the most important lesson)
~~Birds have to fly away.(A life lesson on growing up)
~~You don't want to go to the wood shed, ever.
~~Explaining higher math to children can be complicated.
~~How to get to first base.
~~Sometimes your kids are telling the truth even when it seems ridiculous.( I learned this one the hard way)
~~The town drunk doesn't know anything about women.
~~Lying about how much you love Aunt Bee's pickles will always backfire on you.
~~You have to take care of your friends.
~~How the economy worked before the banks screwed it up.
I know that some of these do not make sense to many of you if you did not watch The Andy Griffith Show religiously. You can get the videos of the above learning experiences at,
Andy Griffith will be greatly missed especially here in North Carolina. If you ever find yourself in Mount Airy NC visit the Andy Griffith Museum. In September Mount Airy celebrates 'Mayberry Days, a fun family activity.
And if you get hungry visit Aunt Bea's Restaurant in Pilot Mount, NC. Its close by and the food is good. By the way, Pilot Mountain = Mount Pilot(think about it).
The pickles are better than you might think, lol.
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