Friday, December 2, 2011

The Good And The Just Plain Stupid!!

She was 19 years old when a relative attacked and rapped her. Now she is serving a 12 year prison term for 'having sex out of wedlock'. Yes kiddies you heard me right. She was rapped and she is in jail while her rapist wanders around free.

Welcome to the realities of being a woman in 'modern'(funny right MODERN) Afghanistan!!!

But here comes her 'knight in stupid armour' to her rescue.

Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan's President and answer to stupidity in government, rushes to her rescue and pardons her. YEAH!! But Wait!! There is a condition to her pardon. She has to marry her RAPIST!!! Lets repeat that for all those that think I may have typed it wrong,


To further complicate matters she had a child as a result of the rape and guess where that child is being raised? Yeppers; in prison with her!! What a way to start your life.

Personally I believe that the United States military should air lift every last woman out of Afghanistan and bring them here to be protected form the stupidity and cruelty of the laws in this piece of shit of a country.

Maybe when the men of Afghanistan are left to handle their own pathetic private parts they may decide that they are wrong in how they treat woman.

Something to ponder; 'About half of the 300 to 400 women jailed in Afghanistan are imprisoned for so-called "moral crimes" such as sex outside marriage, or running away from their husbands, according to reports by the United Nations and research organizations.'

'Identifying himself only as Secret Santa, the stranger handed Coates two crisp $100 bills and wished him a Merry Christmas.

Coates, 36, who lives in Pottstown with his girlfriend and son, wept.

"I was brought up to believe that you take care of your family, but I can't find a job," said Coates, burying his face in his hands. "This man said to me, 'You're a good man,' and it felt good to hear that."

Someone has remembered what Christmas is all about. Lost in all our desire for the best Black Friday deals and all the stupidity that goes with it; this anonymous man wandered around Reading, Pennsylvania(described as the poorest city in the United States) and handed out some $20,000 to strangers in need.

He does not just hand out money. He takes time to talk with people and treats them with kindness and concern. "That's where I get so much satisfaction. "Because behind every one, there's a story. And to hear their story, and what a difference that little bit of money at that little point in time makes in their life, gives me an awful lot of joy. So there's a lot of happiness that comes with this. I get more joy out of it than they do."

He gives the money out with one caveat. The Secret Santa asks each person do something kind for someone else before Christmas.

"Anybody can be a Secret Santa," he says in the Eagle video. "All they have to do is act. And it doesn't have to be about money. It can be any random act of kindness of any kind."

The spirit of Christmas is not dead. It just lays dormant within us buried under all that crap we have loaded onto the holiday.

A random act of kindness. It is so easy to do. Lets join Secret Santa and follow his example. Not with money. Just with kindness.

You will feel better about yourself. I promise you will!!!

Love ya,

PS....Both of these stories came off of The Huffington Post.

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