Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day 2011~~Sacrifice!!

I have always been proud of my service. Serving in the United States Military has been a tradition in my family. Those that served before me returned home to instill a sense of honor, duty, service and responsibility to our country that has always drive my life. My father served 30 years in the air force beginning with his WWII service. His two brothers served. My mothers six brothers served. Most of my numerous cousins served. Our family names, Mantovani~Schimmenti~Marinelli~Malerba~Bruno, can be found on the lists of soldiers serving in The Spanish American War, WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Iraq and Afghanistan.

My son serves even now. He serves as a 'Medic' attached to a unit at Fort Bragg North Carolina. He became a Medic because that is what I did when I served. I am very proud of him but, I must admit, I did not want him to join. I did not want him to see what I saw or what members of our family went through. Joining the United States Army was the first time he did something he knew I was against and I could not be prouder.

There is a sense of pride that service to ones country instills within you. I have that sense of pride. All those who served have that sense of pride.

Today we celebrate Veterans Day 2011!! We honor those that served and those that lay in fields the world over. Those that sacrificed their lives so that we can live our lives.

I say 'celebrate' because we need to not only remember those that sacrificed for us but we also need to extend their lives through living our lives to the fullest. We need to be the best people we can be so their sacrifices are not wasted.

'But the freedom that they fought for, and the country grand they wrought for, Is their monument to-day, and for aye.'~~Thomas Dunn English

I was siting in the San Antonio airport, two years ago, with my son who was in uniform. A woman walked up to him and said "Thank you for your service". Those FIVE words are all the reward or acknowledgement a soldier needs. Like my son that day; they will say thank you and do it humbly because serving is the right thing to do.

Say 'Thank You' to a veteran today. Let them know that you appreciate their service. In acknowledging their service you will be saying 'Thank You' to those that sacrificed for us. Believe me they will hear you!!!!

Love ya,

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