Monday, October 17, 2011

The Chicken~~The Egg~~And Global Warming!!

Ancient references to the dilemma, 'what came first the chicken or the egg',  are found in the writings of classical philospphers. Their writings indicate that the proposed problem was perplexing to them and was commonly discussed by others of their time as well. Aristotle(384 - 322BC) the Greek philospher, Plutarch(46 - 126AD) the Greek philospher and Macrobius(385 - 423AD) the Roman philospher all weighed in on this subject.

Stephen Hawking argues that the egg came before the chicken, though the real importance of the question has faded since Darwin's On the Origin of Species and the accompanying Theory of Evolution, under which the egg must have come first, assuming the question intended the egg to mean an egg in general or an egg that hatches into a chicken.

So the question is now settled,  In simple terms; as the geneticist J. B. S. Haldane remarked, "The most frequently asked question is: 'Which came first, the chicken or the egg?' The fact that it is still asked proves either that many people have never been taught the theory of evolution or that they don't believe it."
With that in mind, the answer becomes obvious. Bird evolved from reptiles, so the first bird must have come out of an egg--laid by a reptile."

OK!! The Egg Came First!!

Well maybe, LOL!

Enter Colin Warick from The University of Sheffield ; who along with his collegues has been doing research on proteins and specifically the  ovocledidin-17 protein found in egg shells.

"I would argue that the concept of an eggshell came about way before the chicken, it's dinosaur or even pre-dinosaur thing. That's something to talk to an evolutionary biologist about probably," stated Colin Freeman.

"What we have really identified is that the protein seems to accelerate the crystallization process so it can make that eggshell appear far quicker. In simple terms it accelerates calcite formation," Freeman said.

'They also found that the egg can't be produced without the protein ovocledidin-17 in the chickens' ovaries, so that means that the chicken must have come first. Right?'

"Obviously, it's not really what we were trying to get out of our simulations, but it's an interesting question isn't it?" Freeman said

HMMM!! So where are we now? In my estimation we are exactly where Aristotle was back in 322BC when he  believed, liek many philosophers of hisn time, "that everything before it appeared on earth had first its being in spirit."

This question has moved through both scientific and religious communities since before the written word and we are no closer to an answer now than we were when Human Beings first gained the capacity for thought.

Enter Global Warming or Climate Change if you prefer. Is  Global Warming/Climate Climate change real or a made up crisis?

Here kiddies we have the 'modern equivalent' of the old delema 'What came first, the chicken or the egg?'

The difference in the modern day version of the age old question is whether we survive this crisis or whether we are blowing smoke up everyone's well formed arse.

Love ya,

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