Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's Your Job!!!~~OMFG!!!~~It's Your Job!!

'Feeling like a lump at your job today? You might be suffering from post-Labor Day vacation disorder. It's a common affliction suffered by those stuck back at work after a brief glimpse of freedom due to an extra long weekend. Don't worry, though. It happens to everyone!'; from a Huffington Post article.

How bad your job must suck if having one extra day away form it makes you feel like you have just lost a parole hearing. This article goes on to list the Five Stages Of Vacation Grief.

I will give you a minute to read and absorb the stages. Going for coffee!! 


Ok! I have coffee and hand! Have you read it? Do you understand it? And most importantly do you feel that way?

Think a minute! TICK! TICK! TICK! TICK! TICK! TICK!

For those of you who answered YES to my questions #1 and #2 above and NO to question #3; go grab a piece of coffee cake and a nice fresh cup of coffee and relax, do your job and go home later and pet the dog, play with your kids and get a little pickle tickle from you lovely wife.

Those of you that answered YES to all three questions; sit back and take in what is coming your way.

I am taking a deep breath, adjusting my chair and getting one last sip of my coffee before starting to explain why YOU ARE ALL A BUNCH OF WHINING SNIVELING MOMA'S BOYS AND DADDY'S GIRLS THAT NEED YOU COLLECTIVE ASS SLAPPED AND NOT IN A GOOD FREAKING WAY!!!

Good Lord!! You had ONE EXTRA day off after a long summer and you are in freaking depression over returning to a job that you are lucky to have and that you probably suck at anyway. You should be wearing a burqa to cover your shamed faces.

Every day I see people lined up outside of the Temporary Employment Office looking for any kind of job. Every day the are lines at the State Employment Agencies. Engineers are flipping burgers. Factory workers are cutting lawns. Even some writers, cof cof, are living hand to mouth to do what they love doing.

And you!! YES YOU!! You complaining pile of steaming dung are upset because you don't like your job! Your bored at your job!  It's noooooooooooot satisfying!

Try picking tonight's dinner out of a fucking garbage can!! Maybe then you would find that your job is a good thing. You may even forgo your next vacation instead of eating someones left over Big Mac out of that garbage.

Sure complaining about our jobs is like a national past time. It seems to be ingrained in all of us. But in hard economic times be happy you have a job. Be grateful your children are eating everyday and have clothes to wear. Be grateful you have a loving family.

Get up tomorrow, kiss your wife and children and head out to work happily and enjoy the job you have. When times get better and you still hate that job find a new one.

Maybe if you act like a responsible human being your wife may even give you that pickle tickle that those other guys are getting.

Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both, and you won't have to hunt for happiness.~~William E. Gladstone


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