Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Waiting Is A Poor Use Of Valuable Time!!

“How much of human life is lost in waiting.”~~Ralph Waldo Emerson

We live in an age where almost everything is instantaneous and we all have grown accustomed to this fact. Having to wait for anything is a burden that none of us want to carry but on occasion that burden seems a lot heavier.

I find that I want everything RIGHT NOW! Not tomorrow or next week or even an hour from now. The Art Of Waiting has been lost on  a generation of humans that need instant gratification to feel full filled.

I am willing to wait for some things; like the results of medical exams or the report from my accountant about how much I owe in taxes. But in both these cases; what is being waited for may or may not adversely affect you life.

But make me wait for my morning cup of coffee and I will rip your heart out and feed it to you without any condiments. I am willing to wait in a fine dinning establishment for my meal but never make me wait at a fast food place. God forbid my Big Mac is not on my tray in a minute or two. If someone says fast it God damn better be fast.

Having given you examples of my feelings on both sides of the waiting issue; one situation that should never be rushed. NEVER! I MEAN NEVER! NEVER RUSH MY ORGASMS! You rush me in this area and well remember that cup of coffee and what I would do with your heart? Now picture your heart where the sun does not shine.

Yeah; I am off my path a bit here but I wanted to make myself perfectly clear on that one point just in case you ever have the opportunity to assist me in the orgasm department. You now have your marching orders.

Now that we have that all cleared up lets get back on track.

“Waiting is a trap. There will always be reasons to wait. The truth is, there are only two things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don't count.”~~Dr. Robert Anthony

To many of us go through life accepting reasons for having been left waiting. Of course there may well be legitimate reasons for our having to wait.  But I find that many times  those causing our painful wait will always be full of less than honest reasons. So please make sure that the reasons given to you are not being used as excuses to delay the results you seek. Waiting for the United States Congress and Senate to work through  a budget agreement, that should have been completed last October, was a painful and disturbing experience that was masked in false REASONS throughout the process and whose results are less than palatable. This may not be the a very good analogy as there is also the issue of competence thrown into this process.

“Too many people go through life waiting for things to happen instead of making them happen!”~~Sasha Azevedo

The simple truth is that waiting is an exercise that produces no real value. Sure there are some cases that can be made for waiting one more day or one more week but I believe that, at times, we have become a society of waiters who want someone else to step up to the plate. We have become a people that, and by people I mean the human race, who want fast results but will sit back and wait for someone else to get those results for us.

If waiting means my Big Mac is a little fresher I am willing to wait that extra minute, But if waiting means the loss of even one life, the loss of one shred of human dignity or the loss of someones precious freedom; I say charge in and damn the wait. Some things are not worth even a nano second of wait.

Take control kiddies. Time is short and not worth losing standing in line waiting for anything.

Love ya,

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