Friday, March 18, 2011

My 100th Post!! What To Do! What To Do!

I am totally baffled!! Today is my 100th blog post and I should be doing something special. Something spectacular. But I can not think of anything. My mind has been running wild with ideas but none of them I seem to be able to translate to the written word.

I am at a loss. I looked in the mirror and this is the reflection that I feel. She is better looking than I am but you get the idea.

I had this idea to compare a Sharks Brain  to a Vagina. There are similarities!!

So what can I say about this subject and still keep my lady like demeanor. YEAH LIKE THAT HAS STOPPED ME BEFORE!! Get ready kiddies this is going to be a wild ride.

If the shark brain and the vagina are this similar then an extension of that thought would easily bring you to the conclusion that they have to function in a similar manner. So lets project this line of thought into a real world application.


There are old jokes about women who have teeth in their vagina's and use them for revenge on men who have wronged them. Well these old jokes are based in folklore. Vagina dentata is Latin for toothed vagina. As you all know; Latin is not in everyday use these days so some where in the past someone was thinking along the same lines as me. See I do base my manias in historical fact.

Various cultures have folk tales about women with toothed vagina's, frequently told as cautionary tales warning of the dangers of sex with strange women and to discourage the act of rape. That I got straight from Wikkipedia kiddies so it has to be true, lol.

But for me this application for the old folklore does not go far enough. In a world where women are treated as objects and not human beings; the evolution of the toothed vagina is a desirable outcome. Think about it!! Women with built in protection against the brutality of men. The shinning star in this theory is that this built in protection is in the exact place NO MAN CAN RESIST TRYING TO GO!! This is freaking genius.

In 2007 this phenomenon was made into a movie, 'Teeth'. See Hollywood sees the potential. I do not make this stuff up, lol.

Vagina Dentata is a coming evolutionary event that I welcome. Evidence of its arrival has already started to be discovered.

Xrays, taken of a woman in an undisclosed country, show tooth development. Men should be very afraid.

Being on the ground floor of this knowledge has it advantages. I plan to open shops that not only bring awareness to women of their evolutionary possibilities but also to market a new brand of clothing and art.

Samples of what is just around the corner for the Worlds consumers. The possibilities are endless. There are fortunes to be made and men to be tamed.

Men please take heed. Treat women with the respect they deserve. Believe me; respect, love, affection, kindness and attentiveness will get you much farther than meanness and brutality.  A woman who gives herself freely, in a loving and respectful environment, will make for a much more enjoyable experience.

Because mark my words; the evolution possibilities of a women's body goes way beyond Vagina Dentata.

                                    Think about it guys and be very afraid.

Love ya GIRLS,

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