Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Truth~~Not An Abslute Concept!!

I have been having a lot of thoughts about 'Truth' lately. When any person puts pen to paper; what they write can become the truth if it is read by enough people and then repeated. I guess it is what makes a legend a legend. Each person passing on some writing or story until it takes on a life of its own. I believe that this possibility places a heavy burden on those who proclaim themselves writers.

By profession; I am a writer of fiction. What fiction writers do is weave a story that is meant to entertain. We twist fact into our stories to give some authenticity to what we write. An example would be, for anyone reading my Sunday book chapters, is my placement of locations into the story. I employ the use of real locations intertwining them with fictional business'.

The battle for any fiction writer is to make what they mean to be as a source of entertainment; does not become someones truth. There have been incidents of people emulating fictitious characters in their real lives.

“You can bend it and twist it... You can misuse and abuse it... But even God cannot change the Truth.” ~~Michael Levy

What I am saying here is that whenever you pick up anything to read, especially if there is question as to the writers intent to fiction or actual occurrence; read it with a leaning toward skepticism, then give it thought, then apply YOUR real life experience to it and then, and only then, give it credence as truth, or fiction or total bunk.

"Do what you want and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind, and those who mind, don't matter. ~~Unknown

In some ways this quote is true but painting any one's opinion with such a broad brush is particularly disturbing. Reading anything is meant to make you think. It is written to elicit some emotion. To not care if people get upset about what might be your truth is wrong. This single concept is why we have so much friction between religions. If writers want to expound upon truth as they see it; with good conscience they need to take into account the thoughts and feelings of others. Of course some writers write to bring on that SHOCK effect. After all; does that not sell more books?

I will leave you with two quotes to ponder. Remember; read with skepticism, think and then apply your real life experience. Then decide the truth of it for yourself.

“A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it.” ~~Oscar Wilde

"True words are not always pretty, pretty words are not always true." ~~Unknown

You will figure out the truth as it applies to you. After all; truth resides within all of us. It just has to be nurtured with thought and brought to maturity with decent and moral actions.

Love ya,

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