Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Is The Perfect Day To Say This!!


I believe that every person has the right to choose how he or she worships God. The United States Constitution gives all Americans the right to free religious worship. It is one of the many reasons people emigrated to the United States ; especially in Americans infancy.

But with the right to worship as you wish there also comes the responsibility of RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE. The misuse or blatant didisregard for religious freedom is something I can not tolerate. Nor can most Americans. Actually most of the enlightened world would agree. And yet we spend our time in the world killing each other over whose religion is the true religion.

Even worse' people like this so called minister Terry Jones, who goes around burning The Quran, causes people in the Muslim world to be upset and bringing about riots with loss of life. Terry Jones states that he feels no responsibility. What a closed minded ass. He cares nothing for the consequences of his actions. This man is mentally ill and the members of his church share in the culpability of the destruction of human life caused by theie misguided actions. He and his followers would be the first to jump up and complain if someone burned the Bible.

When we add the Westboro Church group pastored by Fred Phelps, who picket at military funerals because of their extreme views on homosexuality and believe that our fallen soldiers are a punishment for our tolerance of alternative lifestyles, we are witness to people who take the bastardization of the Bible to an unbelievable level of ignorance.

I would rather sit down to a meal with any Muslim, on this earth, than occupy the same room with any member of these two intolerant and misguided groups.

Are there Muslims who are terrorists? Of course there are. Are there Christians who are terrorists? The answer is an unequivocal YES!  In my mind these two groups cause loss of life while espousing a narrow minded vue of Christianity.

The Holy Books, no matter what religious group holds them dear, are to be preserved and cherished. They are to be read and studied. They never should be held up to scorn or ridicule. They never should be used as a tool for terrorism by anyone. ESPECIALLY BELIEVERS IN THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION!

Terry Jones and Fred Phelps should be ashamed of their behavior. But as we already know they will show no shame. Just as they take no responsibility for the evil done by their actions.

I know one individual that is ashamed of these two usurpers of God's Word. Jesus Christ awaits you for punishment. God awaits you for punishment.

If God convenes a jury to sit at your trial; I hope I am picked for that jury.

May God protect us from the evils of such men.


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