Thursday, December 12, 2013

Trust is The Cornerstone Of Love

"Trust is to human relationships what faith is to gospel living. It is the beginning place, the foundation upon which more can be built. Where trust is, love can flourish", Barbara Smith.

Trust takes a long time to build and a very short time to lose. Most of my life, and to my detriment, I have been a trusting person. It took a couple of betrayals and my life being trampled to lose my ability to trust others.

I am still in the slow process of rebuilding my trust in people. Over the past ten years I have met many trustworthy people but I was incapable of fully committing to a trusting relationship. Truthfully I have been terrified of being betrayed again and I know that my chances of recovering from any type of betrayal are slim at this point.

I have been lucky in meeting someone that I can place my trust. This may be because she has the same trust issues. Two people learning to trust each other while forging a relationship is a very large undertaking.

I take great joy in watching trust grow between us because from trust grows respect and love.

I once read a quote that said 'you can not always trust the one you love but you can always love the one you trust.' I believe this to be true. Trust must be the cornerstone of any relationship. Without it the relationship will wither and die.

I am slowly witnessing the birth and growth of trust between us. Most of what I am seeing is not expressed in words but rather in actions. Little things like she reaches for your hand when hand holding is not her thing or that little smile that is sent your way when she does not think you are looking.

Telling each other our life's secrets. Those that we really never want to tell anyone but feel compelled to tell this person. These are signs of growing trust.

It feels good to be able to trust someone again. It's even a better feeling to feel someone give me their trust. It's a slow process that is hard for her but with patience and letting her set the pace things will continue to grow.

The happy meter is finally showing measurements that favor me. See me smiling kiddies.


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