Tuesday, December 6, 2011

They Were The Greatest Generation And We Have Let Them Down!!

They fought to keep us free and gave us the chance to become a great nation. They taught their children that if you want to gain anything out of life you have to work for it. They understood that personal responsibility is the basis for a life well spent.

I often wonder what the men and women, who sacrificed so much to move this country through World War II, think of  the generation of young people that are squandering their legacy through acts that weaken what they fought so hard to preserve.

We live in, what my wife calls, "the entitlement era". It is an apt description of an era that has produced young men and women who believe that 'working hard and achieving goals that improve their lives and that of their families' is a foreign concept. Citizens who feel that the government has the 'duty' to provide a good life for them. People that believe they should be 'heirs' to others achievements while achieving nothing on their own accord.

That is what the Occupy movement is all about. It goes beyond 'corporate greed'. It is a group made up of non achievers attacking the achievers and wanting their lives without having to work for it.

It is not the governments job/duty to make sure you eat. It is your responsibility to put food on your table and a roof over your head.

We live in a country where the term 'work ethic' is treated like a four letter word.

Last week Newt Gingrich suggested that young people be given the opportunity to experience work and gain a basis for 'a good work ethic'. He was attacked for even suggesting it.

The governmental agency, in Wisconsin, that oversees farms, through a directive form the US Department of Labor, has informed farmers, who have Incorporated their farms for reasons of protecting their business, that their children are no longer allowed to do chores around the family farm. Or on the farms of neighbors if they too are incorporated.

Family farms run on the labor of the FAMILY. It has been this way since the first farmer tilled the soil. The stupidity of this regulation astounds me.

All my children worked while in high school and all of them have a solid work ethic that will carry them through the rest of their lives.

Let me ask you to spend some time with this thought? During the time when the Soviet Union was in power they had food shortages and long lines for what was available. There were sections of the old Soviet Union that were capable of producing vast amounts of food. Just like the USA's mid western states. So why the shortages?

My take is a simple one and I believe the truth. There was no incentive to reach full capacity under communism if you were not going to benefit from your labor. In effect communism killed the Russian work ethic.

I believe any system that takes from its achievers and give to its non achievers, expecting nothing in return form the non achievers, destroys work ethic and any need for people to succeed.

Why work long hours for someone else when you can work the minimum and have exactly what everyone else has.

Why achieve great things in school when the teachers are 'dumbing down' the lessons and teaching that government will 'take care of you' so don't worry about achievement.

Remember program that said it was OK for little Johnny to add 2 + 2 and come up with 5 without being corrected because it might embarrass him. Johnny will get it right eventually or not.

If you impart only one thing to your children make it an understanding that they need to earn what they want to get out of life. That the achievers are not the enemies but people that should be emulated.

Make an understanding of 'a good work ethic' an ideal that will serve your children throughout their lives.

"The highest compliment that you can pay me is to say that I work hard every day." - Wayne Gretzky, Canadian ice hockey player

Love ya,

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