Saturday, December 17, 2011

Pixels Get Along So Well!!

People in Second Life, for the most part, get along very well. My four years in Second Life have yielded little of no conflict and if you read this blog you know that I thrive on conflict, lol.

Why can we get along so well in Second Life when many of us are at each others throats in our First Lives? It is an interesting question and answering it is not a simple task.

I am going to make an assumption here that I believe to be true.  People, in general, do not want conflict or drama in their lives and Second Life affords us an opportunity to eliminate many of the things that cause First Life drama and conflict. That is my opinion.

Unless you go out of your way to carry your prejudices and dislikes Inworld no one will ever view them because once we take on our pixelated forms all that stuff is hidden. Believe me some people do make a point of carrying their crap Inworld but I find that they do not become long term Second Life residents.

Other Second Life residents only see the parts of you that you wish to portray. Things like religion, race and sexual orientation become less important in the Inworld environment. People, who in First Life situations, avoid each other spend evenings socializing in Second Life.

The fantasy of Second Life allows you to become someone your First Life disallows. That same fantasy allows you to drop your baggage at the door and take part in activities you would otherwise avoid like a plague. For instance; a staunch conservative Christian can spend time with a lesbian couple and form a binding relationship. I have seen this particular situation first hand. These same people would never associate in their First Lives.

I was at a show, earlier this week, and on the dance floor were same sex couples, heterosexual couples, bikers, child avatars, animal avatars and redneck types all dancing, listening to the music and interacting with ease. It is a beautiful thing to see.

Of course there are Sims dedicated to religion, sexual orientation, BDSM, elves, Medieval times, vampire and just about any fantasy or life style you can imagine but I have found myself welcomed in all those Sims without any problems. If you approach people with an inquisitive 'I am interested in your point of view' attitude you will find that people are willing to educate you to their point of view. You will come away better informed and may even carry that information back to your First Life.

There will always be people who, through the manipulation of the Second Life fantasy, cause problems. I believe that most of these people are rooted out quickly and are short lived as an Inworld resident.

The point of my story is simple. Leave you baggage at the door to Second Life, move Inworld with an open mind, reveal only the parts of you that you are comfortable showing and do not let someone else's fantasy stop you form making a new friend.

That unicorn dancing next to you may become a life long friend given the chance.

“Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.”~~Buddha

Love ya,

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